ASTEC - Advanced Software Technology


ASTEC (Advanced Software TEChnology) was a VINNOVA  competence center  in the area of software technology. Its purpose was to develop and support industrially applicable techniques for software specification, design, and development. It brought new technology into industrial applications and carried out academic research on industrially relevant problems in software development. High-level specification and programming languages, together with tools for specification, analysis, validation, simulation, and compilation were central topics of the center. Particular emphasis was put on methods supporting the development of software for communication and control applications.


For present centres in this area some of which can be considered a result of ASTEC please see: Research centres linked to the Department of Information Technology.

Documentation of the First generation of Swedish Competence Centres 1995-2007 at VINNOVA.
Here you find documentation from the call in 1993 to the final reports 10 years later for 28 competence centres at 8 Swedish universities (including ASTEC).

ASTEC final report for 1995-2005, pdf.

ASTEC report for Phase 4

Software produced within or in connection to ASTEC projects.


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ASTEC address

Uppsala University
Department of Information Technology
Box 337
SE-751 05 Uppsala


Updated by Roland Grönroos