Appendix 1

ASTEC publications 1995-2007

Statistical data 1995-2007

Publication type No.
Journal, Book 38
Conference (with refree system) 91
Workshop 45
Technical report 39
Submitted 0
PhD thesis 10
Lic thesis 9
M.Sc. thesis 34
SUM 266
Year No.
1995 1
1996 7
1997 19
1998 12
1999 22
2000 35
2001 28
2002 33
2003 34
2004 28
2005 30
2006 15
2007 2
SUM 266

The total number of contributing reseracher is 170.

The mean number of authors per publication is 2,5.

The most frequent writers No. of publications
Ermedahl, A. 35
Sagonas, K. 33
Engblom, J. 31
Yi, W. 29
Pettersson, P. 24
Gustafsson, J. 22
Jonsson, B. 17
Lisper, B. 13
Johansson, E. 12
Fredlund, L 11
Andersson, J. 11
Wall, A. 11
Pettersson, M. 10

Publications each year
Table 1. ASTEC publications per type for each year.


ASTEC publications 1995-2007

Abdulla, P. A., Ben Henda, N., Deneux, J., Jonsson, B. and Reidmar, T. 2004.
"Detecting Dataflow Dependencies in Billing Processing Systems."
In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (ISoLA '04) Paphos, Cyprus , October .
Abdulla, P. A., Bjesse, P. and Eén, N. 2000.
Symbolic Reachability Analysis Based on SAT-Solvers
In Proc. International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS) . ps
Abdulla, P. A., Bouajjani, A., Jonsson, B. and Nilsson, M. 1999.
Binary Communication in Parameterized System Verification
Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, Uppsala, October 7, Technical report 1999-008, Department of Information Technology. vol: 8 . ps
Abdulla, P. A., Bouajjani, A., Jonsson, B. and Nilsson, M. 1999.
Handling Global Conditions in Parameterized System Verification
In Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification vol: LNCS1633 pages: 134-145 . ps
Abdulla, P. A., Deneux, J. and Akerlund, O. 2004.
Designing Safe, Reliable Systems using Scade
In Proc. ISoLA '04: 1st International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods . ps
Abdulla, P. A., Iyer, P. and Nylén, A. 2000.
SAT-solving the coverability problem for unbounded Petri net
Technical report, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University . ps
Abdulla, P. A., Iyer, P. and Nylén, A. 2000.
Unfoldings of unbounded petri nets
In Proc. 12 Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol: 1855 pages: 495-507 . ps
Altenbernd, P. 1997.
Cross-Compiling Software Circuits to CHaRy
ASTEC Report (replaced by Altenbernd, P. and Hansson, H. 1998) vol: 97/11 . ps
Altenbernd, P. and Hansson, H. 1998.
The Slack Method: A new method for static allocation of hard real-time tasks
Real-Time Journal, Kluwer, ASTEC Report 97/12 vol: 15(2) . ps
Amnell, T. 2003.
Code Synthesis for Timed Automata
Licentiate thesis, Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sept 1 . , pdf
Amnell, T., Behrmann, G., Bengtsson, J., D'Argenio, P. R., David, A., Fehnker, A., Hune, T., Jeannet, B., Larsen, K., Möller, O., Pettersson, P., Weise, C. and Yi, W. 2000.
UPPAAL - Now, Next, and Future,
In Proceedings of Modelling and Verification of Parallel Processes (MOVEP'2k), Nantes, France, June 19 to 23, 2000. LNCS Tutorial , F. Cassez, C. Jard, B. Rozoy, and M. Ryan (Eds.) vol: 2067 pages: 100-125 . ps , pdf , abstract , webpage
Amnell, T., David, A. and Yi, W. 2000.
A Real Time Animator for Hybrid Systems
In Proc. 6th ACM SIGPLAN LCTES'2000. To appear in LNCS. vol: accepted . ps
Amnell, T., David, A., Fersman, E., Möller, O., Pettersson, P. and Yi, W. 2001.
Tools for Real-Time UML: Formal Verification and Code Synthesis
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Specification, Implementation and Validation of Object-oriented Embedded Systems (SIVOES'2001), 18-22 June . ps , pdf , abstract
Amnell, T., Fersman, E., Mokrushin, L., Pettersson, P. and Yi, W. 2003.
TIMES: a Tool for Schedulability Analysis and Code Generation of Real-Time Systems
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS) . ps , pdf , abstract
Amnell, T., Fersman, E., Mokrushin, L., Pettersson, P. and Yi, W. 2002.
TIMES: A Tool for Modelling and Implementation of Embedded Systems
Proceedings of 8th International Conference, TACAS 2002, part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2002 Katoen J.-P., Stevens P. (ed.) . - Springer-Verlag, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) vol: 2280 pages: 460-464 . ps , pdf , abstract
Amnell, T., Fersman, E., Pettersson, P., Sun, H. and Yi, W. 2002.
Code Synthesis for Timed Automata
Nordic Journal of Computing vol: 9 (4) pages: 269-300 . ps , pdf , abstract , webpage
Andersson, E. 2005.
Profile-based adaptive JIT compilation in the context of the HIPE compiler
Uppsala Master's Theses in Computing Science, Examensarbete IT4, 2005-05-18. vol: 296 . , pdf
Andersson, J. 2005.
"Modeling the Temporal Behavior of Complex Embedded Systems - A Reverse Engineering Approach"
Licentiate Thesis, Mälardalen University Press, June . , pdf , abstract
Andersson, J., Krcal, P., Mokrushin, L., Christer Norström, C., Wall, A. and Yi, W. 2004.
Modeling and Simulating an Industrial Robot
Technical Reports from the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University vol: 41 pages: 58-60 . , pdf
Andersson, J., Wall, A. and Norström, C. 2006.
A Framework for Analysis of Timing and Resource Utilization targeting Complex Embedded Systems
ARTES - A network for Real-Time research and graduate Education in Sweden 1997 – 2006, Uppsala University, Editor(s): Hans Hansson pages: 297-329 . , abstract
Andersson, J., Wall, A. and Norström, C. 2004.
A Framework for Analysis of Timing and Resource Utilization Targeting Industrial Real-Time Systems
Technical Report, MRTC . ps , pdf , abstract
Andersson, J., Wall, A. and Norström, C. 2004.
Validating Temporal Behavior Models of Complex Real-Time Systems
in Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden (SERPS'04), Linköping, Sweden , September. . , pdf , abstract
Andersson, J., Wall, A. and Norström, C. 2004.
Decreasing Maintenance Costs by Introducing Formal Analysis of Real-Time Behavior in Industrial Settings
In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (ISoLA '04) Paphos, Cyprus , October . , pdf , abstract
Andersson, M. 2000.
Using SAT Solvers to Verify SMV programmes
M.Sc. thesis, Uppsala University .
ARENA 1996.
Applying and Evaluating the ARENA Methodology for Requirements Engineering
ASTEC Report vol: 96/03 . ps
Arts, T. and Benac Earle, C. 2001.
Development of a Verified Erlang Program for Resource Locking
In proceedings of Formal Methods in Industrial Critical Systems, Paris, France, July . ps
Arts, T. and Dam, M. 1999.
Verifying a Distributed Database Lookup Manager written in Erlang
ASTEC Report 99/01, In Proc. World Congress on Formal Methods (FM) vol: LNCS 1708 pages: 682-700 . ps , pdf
Arts, T. and Noll, T. 2000.
Verifying Generic Erlang Client-Server Implementations
"Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on the Implementation of Functional Languages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Berlin" vol: LNCS . ps
Arts, T., Dam, M., Fredlund, L. and Gurov, D. 1998.
System Description: Verification of Distributed Erlang Programs
In Proc. 15th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE'98) vol: LNCS 1421 pages: 38-41 . ps
Auchter, D. 1997.
Tool Support for Requirements Engineering: Applying the ARENA Methodology
M.Sc. thesis, Uppsala University, ASTEC Report 97/05 vol: . ps
Auchter, D. 1997.
From Requirements Engineering to Design: Combining the ARENA and SOMT Method
ASTEC Report vol: 97/13 . ps
Auchter, D., Blom, J., Bol, R., Fredlund, L.-Å. and Grelsson, T. 1997.
Requirements Engineering in a Telecommunication Environment
ASTEC Report, Replaces report 96/02 vol: 97/10 . ps
Behrmann, G., Bengtsson, J., David, A., Gulstrand Larsen, K., Petterson, P., Yi, W., 2002.
UPPAAL Implementation Secrets
LNCS proceedings . - Springer Verlag, vol: 2469 pages: 3-22 .
Behrmann, G., Bengtsson, J., David, A., Gulstrand Larsen, K., Petterson, P., Yi, W., 2002.
UPPAAL Implementation Secrets
International Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems . ps , pdf , abstract
Behrmann, G., David, A., Guldstrand Larsen, K., Yi, W., 2002.
New UPPAAL Architecture
Workshop on Real-Time Tools proceedings . , webpage
Behrmann, G., David, A., Larsen, K., Möller, O., Pettersson, P. and Yi, W. 2001.
UPPAAL - Present and Future
In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'2001). Orlando, Florida, USA, December 4 to 7, 2001. . ps , pdf , abstract , webpage
Benac Earle, C. 2000.
Symbolic Program Execution using the Erlang Verification Tool
International workshop on functional and logic programming, Benicassim, Spain . ps
Benac Earle, C. 2000.
Symbolic Program Execution using the Erlang Verification Tool
M.Sc. thesis, Uppsala University . ps
Bengtsson, J., Griffioen, D., Kristoffersen, K., Larsen, K., Larsson, F., Pettersson, P., Yi, W. 2002.
Automated Analysis of an Audio Control Protocol Using UPPAAL
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming vol: 52-53 pages: 163-181 .
Bermudo, N. and Vera, X. 2001.
Coyote Project: Documentation
Mälardalen Real-Time Research Center, Technical Report, October vol: 39 .
Blom, J. and Jonsson, B. 2003.
Automated Test Generation for Industrial Erlang Applications
in Proc. 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, Uppsala, Aug. .
Blom, J., Hessel, A., Jonsson, B. and Pettersson, P. 2004.
Specifying and Generating Test Cases Using Observer Automata
In proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software (FATES'04), LNCS vol: 3395 pages: 125-139 . , pdf
Bouajjani, A., Jonsson, B., Nilsson, M. and Touili, T. 2000.
Regular Model Checking
In Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification, LNCS . ps
Boustedt, J. 2002.
Automated Analysis of Dynamic Web Services
Technical reports from the Department of Information Technology vol: 10 pages: 56 . ps , pdf , abstract
Broy, M., Jonsson, B., Katoen, J.-P., Leucker, M. and Pretschner, A. editors. 2005.
Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag vol: 3472 .
Burlin, J. 2000.
Optimizing Stack Layout For Embedded Systems
M.Sc. thesis, Uppsala University . ps
Bygde, S. 2006.
Abstract Interpretation and Abstract Domains
Master Thesis, MRTC . , abstract
Byhlin, S. 2004.
Evaluation of Static Time Analysis for Volcano Communications Technologies AB
Masters Thesis, MRTC . , pdf , abstract
Byhlin, S., Ermedahl, A., Gustafsson, J. and Lisper, B. 2005.
Applying Static WCET Analysis to Automotive Communication Software
17th Euromicro Conference of Real-Time Systems, (ECRTS’05), Mallorca, Spain . , pdf , abstract
Börjesson, H. 1995.
Incorporating Worst Case Execution Time in a Commercial C-compiler
ASTEC Report vol: 95/01 . ps
Carlson, B., Carlsson, M. and Stålmarck, G. 1997.
NP (FD) A Proof System for Finite Domain Formulas
ASTEC Report vol: 97/15 . ps
Carlson, J., Håkansson, J., and Pettersson, P. 2005.
SaveCCM: An Analysable Component Model for Real-Time Systems.
To appear in: Proceedings of International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'05). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier . , pdf
Carlsson, M. 2002.
Worst Case Execution Time Analysis, Case Study on Interrupt Latency, For the OSE Real-Time Operating System
KTH, Masters Thesis in Electrical Engineering Stockholm 2002-03-18 . , pdf
Carlsson, M. and Ottosson, G. 1996.
Anytime Frequency Allocation with Soft Constraints
In CP96 Pre-Conference Workshop on Applications . ps
Carlsson, M., Engblom, J., Ermedahl, A., Lindblad, J. and Lisper, B. 2002.
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of Disable Interrupt Regions in a Commercial Real-Time Operating System
RTTOOLS 2002 .
Carlsson, M., Ottosson, G. and Carlson, B. 1997.
An Open-Ended Finite Domain Constraint Solver
Proceedings of International Symposium on Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics, and Programming, LNCS, Springer-Verlag vol: 1292 . ps
Carlsson, M., Ottosson, G. and Carlson, B. 1996.
Towards an Open Finite Domain Solver
In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming---CP96, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol: 1118 pages: 531-532 . ps
Carlsson, R. 2003.
Parametrized Modules in Erlang
In Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, August, ACM Press pages: 30-36 .
Carlsson, R. 2002.
Hierarchical module namespaces in Erlang
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . - New York: ACM Press pages: 1-5 .
Carlsson, R. 2001.
An Introduction to Core Erlang
In Proceedings of the PLI Erlang Workshop, Florence, Italy, September . ps
Carlsson, R. 2000.
Extending Erlang with structured module packages
Technical Reports from the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University vol: 2000-01 . ps , pdf , abstract
Carlsson, R., Gustavsson, B. and Nyblom, P. 2004.
Erlang’s Exception Handling Revisited
In Proceedings of the Third ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, (co-located with ICFP’04), September. ACM Press. .
Carlsson, R., Gustavsson, B., Johansson, E., Lindgren, T., Nyström, S.-O., Pettersson, M. and Virding, R. 2000.
Core Erlang 1.0 language specification
Technical Reports from the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University vol: 30 pages: 28 . ps , pdf , abstract
Carlsson, R., Sagonas, K. and Wilhelmsson, J. 2003.
Message Analysis for Concurrent Languages
In Proceedings of the Static Analysis Symposium Cousot, Radhia (ed.) . - Springer, Berlin (LNCS) vol: 2694 pages: 73-90 .
Carlsson, R., Sagonas, K. and Wilhelmsson, J. 2006.
Message analysis for concurrent programs using message passing
In ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, July vol: 28(4) pages: 715-746 . , pdf
Carlsson, R., Sagonas, K. and Wilhelmsson, J. 2005.
Message Analysis for Concurrent Programs Using Message Passing
accepted by ACM TOPLAS .
Chugunov, G. and Fredlund, L.-Å. 1999.
Verification of Sequential Erlang Programs
Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, Uppsala, October 7 . ps
Dam, M. 2003.
Proof System for pi-calculus Logics
In "Logic for Concurrency and Synchronisation", Studies in Logic and Computation, Oxford Univ Press. de Queiroz (ed.) pages: 145-212 . ps , abstract
Dam, M. and Fredlund, L. 1998.
On the verification of open distributed systems
In Proc. of the 1998 Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'98) . ps
Dam, M. and Gurov, D. 2002.
mu-Calculus with Explicit Points and Approximations
Journal of Logic and Computation, Abstract in Proceedings of: FICS 2000 vol: 12(2) pages: 43-57 . ps
Dam, M. and Gurov, D. 2000.
µ-Calculus with Explicit Points and Approximations
Fixed Points in Computer Science (FICS 2000) . ps
Dam, M. and Gurov, D. 1999.
Compositional Verification of CCS Processes
In Proc. International Conference PERSPECTIVES OF SYSTEM INFORMATICS (PSI'99) vol: LNCS 1755 pages: 247-256 . ps
Dam, M., Fredlund, L. and Gurov, D. 1998.
Toward Parametric Verification of Open Distributed Systems
In Proc. Compositionality: the significant difference, H. Langmaack, A. Pnueli and W.-P. de Roever (eds.), Springer-Verlag vol: LNCS 1536 pages: 150-185 . ps
Damm, W. and Jonsson, B. 2002.
Eliminating queues from RT UML model representations.
Proc. FTRTFT'02, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol: 2469 pages: 375-394 .
David, A. and Yi, W. 2000.
Modelling and Analysis of a Commercial Field Bus Protocol
12th Euromicro Conference On Real-Time Systems, Stockholm, Sweden,June 19th-21th . ps
David, A., Hammar, U. and Yi, W. 1999.
Modeling and Analysis of a Field Bus Protocol Using Uppaal
Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, Uppsala, October 7 . ps
Deneux, J. 2006.
Verification of Parameterized and Timed Systems: Undecidability Results and Efficient Methods
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology vol: 187 . , pdf
Deneux, J. and Akerlund, O. 2004.
A Common Framework for Design and Safety Analyses using Formal Methods
Proc. International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM7/ESREL'04), June. .
Eén, N. 1999.
Symbolic Reachability Analysis based on SAT-Solvers
M.Sc. thesis, Uppsala University . ps , pdf
Engblom, J. 2004.
Understanding Your C Compiler: How to Minimize Code Size
In: "The Firmware Handbook", Chapter 18. ed. Jack Ganssle, Elsevier/Newnes. .
Engblom, J. 2003.
Analysis of the Execution Time Unpredictability caused by Dynamic Branch Prediction
In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Real-Time/Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2003), Toronto, Canada, May . , webpage
Engblom, J. 2003.
Full-System Simulation Technology.
Extended abstract appearing in the proceedings of ESSES 2003 (European Summer School on Embedded Systems), Västerås, September, .
Engblom, J. 2003.
Embedded Systems Computer Architecture.
Extended abstract appearing in the proceedings of ESSES 2003 (European Summer School on Embedded Systems), Västerås, September, .
Engblom, J. 2002.
Processor Pipelines and Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology vol: 36 . , pdf , webpage
Engblom, J. 2001.
Getting the Least Out of Your C Compiler
Embedded Systems Conference (ESC) in San Francisco, April 9-13 . , pdf , webpage
Engblom, J. 2001.
On Hardware and Hardware Models for Embedded Real-Time Systems
IEEE Embedded Real-Time Systems Workshop held in conjunction with the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2001), London, UK, December 3 . , pdf
Engblom, J. 1999.
Static Properties of Commercial Embedded Real-Time Programs, and Their Implication for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
In Proc. Fifth IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS '99). IEEE Computer Society Press, Vancouver, Canada pages: 46-55 . , pdf
Engblom, J. 1999.
Why SpecInt95 Should Not Be Used to Benchmark Embedded Systems Tools
Proc. ACM SIGPLAN 1999 Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES '99) pages: 96-103 . ps , pdf
Engblom, J. 1998.
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for Optimized Code
M.Sc. thesis, ASTEC Report 98/01, Uppsala University . ps
Engblom, J. 1998.
Static Properties of Commercial Real-Time and Embedded Systems, Results from the MARE Project (Measurements of Actual Real-Time and Embedded Programs)
ASTEC Report vol: 98/05 . ps
Engblom, J. and Ermedahl, A. 2000.
Modeling Complex Flows for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Proc. 21st IEEE Real-Time systems Symposium (RTSS 2000), Orlando, Florida, December . ps , pdf
Engblom, J. and Ermedahl, A. 1999.
Pipeline Timing Analysis Using a Trace-Driven Simulator
In Proc. The 6th International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'99) . ps , pdf
Engblom, J. and Jonsson, B. 2002.
Processor Pipelines and Their Properties for Static WCET Analysis
Proceeding of the Second Embedded Software Conference (EMSOFT 02), LNCS 2491 . - Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany vol: 2491 .
Engblom, J., Altenbernd, P. and Ermedahl, A. 1998.
Facilitating Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis For Optimized Code
ASTEC Report 98/02, 10th Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, Berlin . ps
Engblom, J., Ermedahl, A. and Stappert, F. 2001.
A Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis Tool Prototype for Embedded Real-Time Systems
Workshop on Real-Time Tools (RT-TOOLS), Aalborg, Denmark, August 20 . , pdf , webpage
Engblom, J., Ermedahl, A. and Stappert, F. 2001.
Validating a Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Method for an Embedded Processor
Technical reports from the Department of Information Technology vol: 30 pages: 10 . ps , pdf , abstract
Engblom, J., Ermedahl, A. and Stappert, F. 2000.
Structured Testing of Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Methods
Work in Progress Session at 21st IEEE Real-Time systems Symposium (RTSS 2000), Orlando, Florida, December . , pdf , abstract
Engblom, J., Ermedahl, A., Sjödin, M., Gustafsson, J. and Hansson, H. 2003.
Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis for Embedded Real-Time Systems
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer vol: 4(4) pages: 437-455 . , webpage
Engblom, J., Ermedahl, A., Sjödin, M., Gustafsson, J. and Hansson, H. 1999.
Towards Industry-Strength Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
ASTEC Report vol: 99/02 . ps , pdf
Engblom, J., Watzlawick, T. and Barth, A. 2003.
Der ausgequetschte Code. A translation into German of "Getting the least out of Your C Compiler", with added examples. Produced by the German office of IAR. This article was selected as one of the articles of the year by Elektronik, and an award was given in March of 2004.
Elektronik, issues 8, 10, and 12, .
Ericsson, C., Wall, A. and Yi, W. 1999.
Timed Automata as Task Models for Event-Driven Systems
In proc. The 6th International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'99), IEEE press . ps
Erikson, J. 2005.
Licentiate Thesis Proposal: An Operational Semantics for Parallel Execution of Re-entrant PLEX
Technical Report, MRTC . , pdf , abstract
Erikson, J. and Lisper, B. 2005.
Two Formal Semantics for PLEX
3rd APPSEM II Workshop, APPSEM'05, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, 12 - 15 September . , pdf , abstract
Eriksson, O. 2005.
Evaluation of Static Time Analysis for CC Systems
MRTC report, ISRN MDH-MRTC-183/2005-1-SE, Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre, Mälardalen University . , pdf , abstract
Ermedahl, A. 2003.
A Modular Tool Architecture for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1104-2516 ; 45 pages: 200 . , pdf , abstract
Ermedahl, A. 2003.
Värre än så här kan det inte bli!
. , pdf
Ermedahl, A. 2003.
Your Timing Could Not Get Any Worse!
. , pdf
Ermedahl, A. and Gustafsson, J. 1997.
Realtidsindustrins syn på verktyg för exekveringstidsanalys
ASTEC Report vol: 97/06 . ps
Ermedahl, A. and Gustafsson, J. 1997.
Deriving Annotations for Tight Calculation of Execution Time
ASTEC Report 97/04, Euro-Par '97, LNCS vol: 1300 pages: 1298-1307 . ps
Ermedahl, A. and Gustafsson, J. 1996.
Redovisning av Studiecirkel/Kurs i Exekveringstidsanalys
ASTEC Report vol: 96/04 . ps
Ermedahl, A., Engblom, J. and Stappert, F. 2002.
A Unified Flow Information Language for WCET Analysis
WCET Workshop, Wien, June 18 .
Ermedahl, A., Gustafsson, J. and Engblom, J. 2006.
Tidsanalys av programvara - Del 1, grunderna för WCET analys
Elektronik i Norden vol: 12 . , abstract , webpage
Ermedahl, A., Gustafsson, J. and Engblom, J. 2006.
Tidsanalys av programvara - Del 2, tillämpningar och WCET verktyg
Elektronik i Norden vol: 13 . , abstract , webpage
Ermedahl, A., Gustafsson, J. and Lisper, B. 2005.
Experiences from Industrial WCET Analysis Case Studies
Proc. Fifth InternationalWorkshop onWorst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis, Palma de Mallorca, July 2005. ed. ReinhardWilhelm (Also presented at Real-Time in Sweden 2005, Skövde, August 2005.) . , pdf , abstract
Ermedahl, A., Hansson, H. and Sjödin, M. 1997.
Responce-Time Guarantees in ATM Networks.
In Proc. 18th IEEE Real-Time Sytems Symposium (RTSS) pages: 274-284 . ps , pdf , webpage
Ermedahl, A., Hansson, H., Papatriantafilou, M. and Tsigas, P. 1998.
Wait-free Snapshots in Real-Time Systems: Algorithms and Performance
ASTEC Report 98/04, Conference version of report 98/04, In Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'98) . ps
Ermedahl, A., Stappert, F. and Engblom, J. 2005.
Clustered Worst-Case Execution- Time Calculation
IEEE Transactions on Computers vol: 54 (9) pages: 1104-1122 . , pdf , abstract
Ermedahl, A., Stappert, F. and Engblom, J. 2003.
Clustered Calculation of Worst-Case Execution Times
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2003), San Jose, California, USA, Oct 30th to Nov 1st . ps , pdf , abstract , webpage
Evestedt, D. and Kamensky, L. 2000.
Symbolic Model Checking of SMV-programs using SAT-solvers
2 M.Sc. theses, Uppsala University .
Fersman, E. and Jonsson, B. 2000.
Abstraction of Communication Channels in Promela: a Case Study
In SPIN 2000: 7th Int. SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, Stanford University, California, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag . ps
Fersman, E. and Yi, W. 2004.
A Generic Approach to Schedulability Analysis of Real Time Tasks
Accepted for Publication in Nordic Journal of Computing . , pdf
Fersman, E., Mokrushin, L., Pettersson, P. and Yi, W. 2004.
Schedulability Analysis of Fixed-Priority Systems Using Timed Automata
To appear in journal: Theoretical Computer Science . ps , pdf , abstract
Fersman, E., Mokrushin, L., Pettersson, P. and Yi, W. 2003.
Schedulability Analysis using Two Clocks
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'03) . ps , pdf , abstract
Fersman, E., Pettersson, P. and Yi, W. 2002.
Timed Automata with Asynchrounous Processes: Schedulability and Decidability
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2002 . - Springer-Verlag, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) vol: 2280 pages: 67-82 . ps , pdf , abstract
Flink, F. 2001.
Simuleringsverktyg för kvantifiering och verifiering av distribuerade realtidssystem
Examensarbeten på Datorteknik, Chalmers. .
Fredlund, L.-Å, Gurov, D. Noll, T., Dam, M., Arts, T. and Chugunov, G. 2003.
A Verification tool for ERLANG
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer vol: 4/4 pages: 405-420 .
Fredlund, L.-Å. 2001.
A Framework for Reasoning about Erlang Code
PhD-thesis, KTH, TRITA-IT AVH vol: 4 pages: 233 . , pdf , abstract
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Updated Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007 12:32:11 MEST by Roland Grönroos
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